Godot Slime Game
A platform game of a slime wandering around the world. Created with Godot. This game was made with GDScript and contains physics, animations and point counter.
needs javascript
Pong Game (es)
Pong Game. Made with with p5.js for HTML5. This game was made with JavaScript and p5 library to program the controls, continuous drawing and physics.
needs javascript
Online chat usign WebRTC. It creates a WebRTC connection by exchanging SDPs with another client connected to a WebSocket server.
needs javascript
Space Invaders Bevy
Space Invaders game created in Bevy and Rust. It uses basic movement and collision events.
needs javascript
Somewhere behind the stars
An asteroid-based spaceship game. Currently in beta, with a story to be created.
needs javascript
Prototype eCommerce Site
A static prototype for an online store. It uses JavaScript as programming language through the NodeJS program and Handlebars for templating.
Prime numbers distribution in a spiral
A program that shows how prime numbers are distributed in a spiral (in case this reveals any mystery about these curious numbers)
needs javascript